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5 steps you need to know before setting up home theater systems

The most popular home theater systems typically include a number of satellite speakers, audio receiver, subwoofer, DVD player or Blu Ray player. Usually the advanced home theater system let you enjoy the best quality surround sound without investing on separate units. Though highly advanced, the installation process of latest home theater systems take only few minutes. Here is a step by step guide which you should follow before setting up proper connection among different components of these systems.

Step 1: Choose the right place for your DVD player:

The first step of connecting different parts of the home theater system is choosing the right place for each of those. The professionals offering installation of home theater systems in Chicago, usually recommend to keep the receiver or DVD player near to the TV. These two devices should be connected together. If the TV and DVD is placed long apart, you will require a long wire which is not preferred by many home owners. So, in order to avoid the huge wiring, you should keep the TV and DVD closer.

Step 2: Plugging the cable:

When both TV and DVD is connected, the next task will be plugging the cable to the exact port of your home theater system. If you have a built-in Blu-Ray player along with the home theater, a HDMI cable will be required instead of the usual ones. While doing this, make sure that you have identified right ports of the TV and DVD to avoid the technical issues.

Step 3: Right positioning for the speakers:

For getting the best surround sound experience, speakers should be positioned at right place. Ideally, speakers need to be placed according to the sitting arrangement of the room. Usually, you get speakers which are marked as ‘rear left’ and ‘front right’ already. The rear speakers require being placed behind seats or near the walls. On the flip, the front speakers should be positioned along the TV. Often, you get a long speaker along with the smaller ones. It should be placed just above or below the TV. When everything is done, you have to install the subwoofer speakers. To improve the audio experience of your chosen home theater, install the subwoofers on the ground just near to TV.

Step 4: Connecting the additional wires:

The speakers used with home theaters usually have a number of wires. All of these wires should be connected to the right port on back of home theater. Usually, these wires also come with marks such as “back right” or “front left”. The ports present on home theater receiver, are also marked in the similar way. So, plugging these wires appropriately will not be much time consuming. However, taking professional help in these cases will be a smart move. It , apart from making the installation even faster, reduces chances of making errors.

Step 5: Check everything twice:

Before you start enjoying the home theater system, check every connection twice. If everything is found perfect, turn on the power and start experiencing the excellent surround sound system.


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