Security Cameras Chicago | Home Security Alarm Systems Chicago

Security Cameras: where and how to install to protect your home

security camera installation in Chicago

Security cameras are widely used to prevent home invasions and thefts, as the lack of them can increase the likelihood of burglaries by up to three times. In addition, they are instrumental in helping to recognize criminals and solve crimes. But, for security cameras to be really efficient, some care is needed at the time of installation Chicago Security.

If you intend to security camera installation in Chicago, or think that the ones you already have do not meet your needs, stay tuned to our tips and use the security cameras to your advantage.

Where to install security cameras

Front door

About 34% of thieves enter houses through the front door. Having a security camera that captures images of the door and surroundings is essential to prevent theft from your home.

Back door

The back door of the house is also a good place to place a security camera. Approximately 23% of thieves use this passage as a way to break into homes, mainly because it is located, almost always, away from the street.

First floor windows

The windows are also very chosen by criminals as a way to enter the houses and about 22% of the burglars enter through them. So they are good places to install the cameras, especially if they are located at the back of the house.

Garage and other entrances

It is less common for criminals to enter by these means, but they still do so. Therefore, they are also suitable places for installing security cameras.

Care at the time of installation

In addition to the location, some other factors must be taken into account when installing your security cameras:


There is no point in having a security camera system if they are unable to capture images clearly. Make sure that the sun’s rays cannot interfere with the recordings, as well as that there is sufficient lighting at night, if the cameras do not have infrared technology. Take care that the lights are not too close to the equipment, so as not to over-illuminate.

Equipment protection

Ensure that environmental phenomena such as rain or wind do not damage your equipment. Keep security cameras in hard-to-reach places to prevent them from being broken or stolen. A fake camera placed in a visible spot can be the solution to prevent theft.


This is a very important point when installing your security cameras. You have to be careful that the cameras are directed, exactly, to where you want to shoot and even more careful not to violate your neighbors’ privacy rights.

Security cameras are a means of prevention

If what you are looking for is to keep your home safe and prevented from intruders, security cameras can be your greatest allies. works with analog, infrared and IP security camera systems in Chicago. We have qualified professionals and cutting edge products to serve you.


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